Recipe Index

Monday, June 20, 2011

Berry-Banana-Oats Breakfast Smoothie & 301 posts !

This is our 301st post, and I can’t believe it myself! Neither Sunitha or I realized we had covered 300 posts with the last one. We feel a great sense of achievement, and are thankful to all our readers for your love and support through the last one and a half years. One exciting day after the other is making me quite delighted as I write this post. I mean exciting Father’s day yesterday.


How was it for you? I spoke to my Dad, who was clueless about Father’s day, but I spoke to him and enjoyed our visit. It was definitely more exciting for my daughter. She has been planning the day for weeks and wanted to do something special for her dad. It all worked out well through the course of the day. We went hiking in the foot hills of Rocky Mountain which is a great pass time of this family. On the walk, my daughter got to do something different for her dad from the usual self painted Father’s day card she has been giving him for years. She carefully picked up wild flowers through her walk and gave it to her Dad. She was very pleased and so was he. These moments of simple pride and happiness are so priceless.

Berry-Banana-Oats Breakfast Smoothie

Not so much fun for my lil imp because he got excited and grabbed the bouquet from his Dad spoiling the bouquet and upsetting his sister. But on our walk back, the whole family picked flowers and brought home a fantastic wildflower bouquet. It’s sitting pretty on the windowsill. I wish I could take a close up picture to show you but it's a dreary day and hardly any light.


Coming to the recipe of the day - everyone hereabouts must be enjoying the berry bounty of summer. We are no exception. The farmer's market is brimming with greens not so much berries, but I got some from Costco. I think it is fitting to have some berry shake or preserve in summer. I stock a lot of fruits/berries in this season and right now if you open my refrigerator you will see Blueberries and Strawberries aplenty. The days are getting hotter and when you wake up to a warm sultry morning you cannot resist a cool breakfast smoothie. Anyways, some people here don’t like a lot of berries so a refreshing smoothie is always good. It gets the berries from spoiling and at least some respite from the heat.


I have plans of baking these berries and making preserves too. In fact, I already made a small batch of Strawberry jam. This year as I experriment with various flavors and combinations I hope you will be tuned into this space.

After my long winded post, here is a simple yet rich breakfast smoothie. The measurements are only a guideline, add or subtract as you go along but make delicious smoothies. Some things to keep in mind are the ingredients - obviously, it not only affects the flavor but also the color. When you need a softer, brighter color step up on strawberries. It always renders an exciting color :-)

Berry-Banana-Oats Breakfast Smoothie


Blueberries- 1 cup
Strawberries- 10-12
Banana- 1 really ripe Banana
Cooked Oats- 1/2 cup
Honey- To taste
Milk/Yogurt/Soy milk- 1 cup
Ice cubes- a few


1.Cook the oats in water/milk and cool.
2.Mix everything well using a blender and serve immediately.


1.If you want it super thick, leave the ice cubes and blend.
2.You could use any nut milk(for eg: almond milk) instead of milk, which will be great,since that makes this smoothie protein rich.
3,.This serves 2.


  1. Thats so beautiful and yummy looking smoothie, Hey I dont mind a glass right away..

  2. Congrats ladies.. Great work.. keep going with the wonderful recipes and amazing clicks..

    The smoothie looks so filling and healthy too..

  3. Congrats....Keep rocking....
    Cute clicks of the yummy shake...

  4. Many congrats Nami and Sunitha!!!

    Smoothie looks scrumptious and beautiful pictures tto...

  5. Congrats gals ~ love your blog, recipes n all the beautiful pics!!

    Smoothie looks refreshingly delicious!
    US Masala

  6. That smoothie sounds healthy, filling and delicious. Congrats on 301 posts :)

  7. Congrats Namitha and Sunitha..Keep Rocking!!!
    Delicious and filling smoothie,beautiful clicks too..

  8. Congrats on this great milestone...Keep Rocking with more Recipes.....Loved the Berry Shake...Perfect for summer.......

  9. Congrats on your milestones girls..keep blogging..Wish you many more such milestone ahead..
    Berry smoothie looks awesome and sounds perfect, healthy and delicious breakfast to me...

  10. I just love the pics !!!! And this smoothie looks so good!

  11. Congrats on ur milestone girls... Loved the color of this healthy smoothie...

  12. I usually add greek yogurt to my smoothies which gives a nice creamy texture. Love the color and the pictures :)

  13. Hi Namitha! Wow... Congratulations on your 301st post! I just made it my 100th last week. =P Wow.. you have been blogging for much long time. This is my very first time here and I am really glad you found me first. Your pictures look beautiful and it's a very comfortable feeling to come to your site. You have delicious meals as well as gorgeous photos. I'll have to come back for new posts! :-)

  14. Thats a yummy looking smoothie I should say and pretty clicks as usual

  15. That's a great post, Namitha, loved your blog. You are really good at presentation. The photo is lovely!!

  16. Wow congrats gals, thats really a wonderful achievement,keep on going..Breakfast smoothie looks super delicious, love greek yogurt for making smoothies too..

  17. Congrats... lovely and yummy smoothie. Beautiful clicks.

  18. Congrats for the 301th post and here is wishing more to come through! Lovely fresh the berries look.

    Lite Bite

  19. Looks fab...perfect way to start the day ...congrats on 301st ..wish many u many more

  20. Spending time with our loved ones is priceless !! Congrats on 301 post ! great going.
    Wishing you many more in coming years
    nice looking smoothie

    Hamaree Rasoi

  21. congrast da!!keep rocking...smoothie looks delicious n creamy!! the first pic looks superb..

  22. thats a wonderful smoothie with the addition of cooked oats.No wonder it tastes yum and good for health too

  23. I love smoothies N this makes for a great breakfast ..

  24. Dear Namitha and Sunitha chechi...
    Congrats on the milestone. You are doing an amazing job here.. Love your blog , every post and each and every pictures.....

    And Namitha are adipoli as always...
    and I am sure chettan had a nice fathers day :)

  25. congrats on 301th post! Wish you many more celebration like this..Very nice pic, interesting and yummy smoothie.

  26. Dear Namitha and Sunith you ladies are amazing!

    awww that is so cute how the little ones celebrated their fathers days and gorgeous pic!

  27. Congrats... lovely and yummy smoothie. Beautiful clicks.

  28. Looks yum... great accomplishment!!!

  29. Hello sweet Namitha! What a beautiful blog, beautifull photos and nice recipes!!!! Taste of Indian cuisine and I really identifies with his country. So now, I'm more a follower of your blog. Take this opportunity to invite you to visit my blog and know a bit of Brazilian cuisine. If you like, follow me.

    Kisses from Brazil!


  30. Hello Namitha and Sunitha,

    We've selected you as our Foodista Drink Blog of the Day for this July 4, 2011! Your blog (regarding Banana Oats Breakfast Smoothie) will be featured on the Foodista homepage for 24 hours. Besides posting your link on the homepage, we will also post a couple shout outs on our Twitter and Facebook pages.

    Since you are now a part of the Foodista Featured Drink Blogger of The Day Community, we've created a special badge for you to display proudly on your blog sidebar. I couldn't find your email on your blog to send you the access code for the special badge, but I want to make sure you get it if you are interested. Please send me an email and I'll send it right away.

    We are really enjoying your blog and look forward to seeing your recipes, tips and techniques on Foodista! If you would not like to be recognized on Foodista please let me know and I will remove your blog from our queue.


  31. Hello Namitha and Sunitha,

    We've selected you as our Foodista Drink Blog of the Day for this July 4, 2011! Your blog (regarding Banana Oats Breakfast Smoothie) will be featured on the Foodista homepage for 24 hours. Besides posting your link on the homepage, we will also post a couple shout outs on our Twitter and Facebook pages.

    Since you are now a part of the Foodista Featured Drink Blogger of The Day Community, we've created a special badge for you to display proudly on your blog sidebar. I couldn't find your email on your blog to send you the access code for the special badge, but I want to make sure you get it if you are interested. Please send me an email and I'll send it right away.

    We are really enjoying your blog and look forward to seeing your recipes, tips and techniques on Foodista! If you would not like to be recognized on Foodista please let me know and I will remove your blog from our queue.


    Christine @ Foodista . com

  32. Hello Christine,

    This is great. We are really happy to be honored like this !Thanks for doing this ! I am sorry that we haven't given the mail ids in the blog page.

    You could contact me at



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