Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rasmalai and 2 years of blogging

HELLO everybody! It's been a long time, isn't it? I know that for sure, because words don't flow anymore, and my fingers feel like lead as I type these words. Gosh! It's been long. Just in case you were wondering what kept us away, Sunitha made her big move to Canada, yoohoo! I am happy for her, and I got real busy with the kids. You know how summer holidays can be, right?! Swimming and day trips, hikes, shopping, just feeding them kids and all the other things that come with the territory. But behind all the chaos of our lives Collaborative Curry quietly turned 2 ! Are we proud! It's been a great journey so far in the blogging world and we love all our readers for staying tuned to this site. I read all the lovely messages you left me, and felt quite touched that you remembered and thought about us while we were away. Love you guys!
