Recipe Index

Friday, June 15, 2012

Chakkakkuru Manga Aviyal- A Guest Post By Honey

Honey doesn't need an introduction from me. Most of you know her as Sarah Naveen. She is the author and all in all of "", the wonderful blog dedicated to Kerala recipes. Honey has an amazing collection of recipes from Kuttanadu,the backwater region in central Kerala. Kuttanadu has its own cuisine, which is quite popular among the foodies around the world.She has a collection of Kerala Syrian Christian specials as well. Check out her scrumptious Chicken olarthiyathu and lip-smacking Kuttanadan Fish Curry.

Honey is like a sister to me. When we started talking I told her that Sunitha and I think that she is one of our juniors from our degree college, where we had so many great juniors as friends.She is a wonderful person ,an amazing photographer and a great cook. I am so happy to have her here to share her grandma's recipe with the readers of Collaborative Curry.This is one of my favorite recipes. Welcome to Collaborative Curry, dear Honey. Thanks so much for doing this post, in spite of your busy schedule and a fever.I am so grateful to have great friends like you.

Rarely do I come across such people who leaves a profound impact on me ; who is so much fun to talk to ; who spreads joy and comfort around, and at times who acts like a sister . Namitha is one such person.
I don't know exactly when I started talking to her, creating a new bond, an "unseen" friendship from miles away. Unseen - I am yet to see her in person; Unseen - I never saw myself crafting a friendship with a person, I have known only through blogging.
We don't talk everyday or every week,but never less than an hour :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Butterscotch brioche bread pudding- A guest post by Nisha

I am so excited to have the first guest post in Collaborative Curry by lovely, Nisha of "Look Who's cooking Too". She is so full of energy,very friendly and as she herself says, an open book.I love her writing and the variety in the recipes she pots in her lovely blog. She is a freelance writer too, based in London.If you haven't visited her blog so far, you must do it now. She has a splendid collection of recipes and you will be amused by the variety.I have tried her condensed milk pound cake, but never got around to blog about, it was such a big hit so I'll make it again sometimes soon.Don't forget to check out her Indian recipes ranging from Goan Prawns curry to Fish molee.

I so want to make this pudding as soon as I get back from India. I am sure you will also enjoy this recipe ! Hearty welcome to Collaborative Curry, Nisha. I am so grateful that you agreed to do this post !

Collaborative curry was one of those first blogs that I stumbled upon, when I was new to the whole blogging scene; and Sunitha was the first food blogger I ever spoke to. We had a loooong skype session once and it was so so much fun:). Again, like I have mentioned before, I have a list of food bloggers I'd like to meet some day, and Namitha and Sunitha definitely make the list. But till then, I guess we will just have to make do with FB, skype, chats and blogs.